Student Nissrine Nouh of the University Ibn Zohr in Agadir won the 2nd place of this prize for her thesis on wastewater treatment, followed by Chaimae Foukhri of the University Hassan II of Casablanca (UH2C) for her thesis on “Maahoud Al Arab Inda Al Imam Chatibi Min Maksid al Ifham ila Tassis al Oussoul li fahm al Quran.”
This first edition was won by Khalissa El Bahri from the University of Sultan Qaboos (Sultanate of Oman), for her thesis on the role of the virtual laboratory in learning physics concepts among female students of senior high school.
Speaking on this occasion, the Director General of ICESCO, Salim AlMalik, said that this first edition of the “My thesis in 1000 words” prize was attended by nearly 200 participants from 17 ICESCO member countries as well as from other countries.
The prize “My thesis in 1000 words”, organized in collaboration with the Federation of Universities of the Islamic World (FUMI), is aimed at students in the last year of doctoral studies and researchers who have completed their thesis.
It aims at improving the students’ communication skills and encouraging them to consolidate their abilities in presenting brief and focused summaries of their theses in less than a thousand words.